Gundam Pilot Mobile Suit
XXXG-01D2 Gundam Deathscythe Hell
Pilot(s): Duo Maxwell
When OZ launches its
campaign to win over
the space colonies,
Gundam pilot Duo
Maxwell returns to
space with his Gundam
Deathscythe. He is
soon captured, and his
Gundam wrecked, by
OZ's space forces.
However, the five
scientists who created
the Gundams use the
resources of OZ's lunar
base to reconstruct the
Deathscythe under their
enemy's very nose.
When the time comes
for Duo to make his
escape, the
Deathscythe Hell
proves to be more than
a match for OZ's mobile
Though the remodeled
Deathscythe Hell
sports a dangerous
double-bladed twin
beam scythe, the
biggest improvement is
its amazing
multi-purpose active
cloak. For starters, this
device serves as an extra
layer of armor,
complete with a
beam-deflecting barrier
based on the
Mercurius's planet
defensor technology. Its
stealth capabilities also
enhance the
effectiveness of the
hyper jammers,
rendering the
Deathscythe Hell
invisible even to visual
sensors. When opened,
the bat-like wings of the
active cloak function as
manuevering devices.
And, of course, its
demonic appearance
makes for an effective
psychological weapon.